Our innovative BOLT software solution is designed to organize members of your clinical team by adapting to and enhancing their unique workflow. Physicians, nurses, therapists, and specialists accomplish more work with less effort while meeting your hospital’s high standards for quality and also ensuring your facility gets paid.
Designed Around Patient Care
BOLT’s design supports efficient and effective clinical workflows, supporting optimum workflows by users, with minimal clicks and scrolling.
Systems-Based Software
BOLT’s origins are at the intersection of software and systems to support best practices. Designed for use with touch screens, BOLT also supports a patient-centered model where patients can view their record on a screen in real time to involve them in their care and decision making
Bolt-On Implementation
Enables a health system to implement BOLT without the need to unwind their legacy system, reducing cost and overall risk. This “bolt-on” design also supports a phased implementation approach, if desired, using a subset of users to pilot the software prior to a system-wide rollout.
Origins in a Medical Practice
Unlike other EHRs that were born out of accounting and medical records systems, BOLT was born out of medical practice. From the very beginning, the focus of BOLT has been to facilitate efficient and effective care.
Real World Results
BOLT is currently supercharging Meditech throughout the Memorial Health System with these amazing results...
Time to close charts down 72%-79%
Clinic Visits up 15%-31%
Physician EHR satisfaction up 56%
Over $25,000,000
in increased annual revenue
Provider Perspective
ONC Certified
Certified, Proven and Time Tested
Our BOLT software solution is certified at the highest level by leading industry regulators and affiliations.